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Results found for "ALPHABET OF OTHER"

  • The Other Weapon: Propaganda in the Israel-Palestine Conflict.

    'Alphabet of Other' is a collection of essays tackling the specific prejudices and unique experiences It explores what it feels like to be a minority or biracial person who often ticks 'other' than black 'Othering' is a term that not only refers to racism (but ofcourse includes it) but bias, xenophobia, Anything that ‘others’ the others makes them less human than ‘us’. We have been desensitised to the death of innocent ‘others’. It’s time we snap out of it.

  • Call Me By My Name: A Word on Respectability Politics.

    applies to accents, cultural practices, ways of dressing, slang used (or not) and yes, hair, among other not correct people who called me 'Zoey' even after reading my name multiple times, or hearing it from others had the unique experience of performing both my Asian-ness and whiteness for white people and yes, other In this way I - and other biracial people- understand respectability politics' double standard M.O.

  • Let's Talk About Racial Bias in Healthcare.

    My latest essay for 'Alphabet of Other', a collection of essays tackling the specific prejudices and It explores what it feels like to be a minority or biracial person who often ticks 'other' than black 'Othering' is a term that not only refers to racism (but ofcourse includes it) but bias, xenophobia, The difference with 'othering' is that, unlike racism, it is perpetuated by and between people of colour cancer and many other cancers," states a 2021 study by researchers at Harvard.

  • The Road to Cultural Appropriation is Paved With Good Intentions.

    My first essay for 'Alphabet of Other', a collection of essays tackling the specific prejudices and unique It explores what it feels like to be a minority or biracial person who often ticks 'other' than black 'Othering' is a term that not only refers to racism (but ofcourse includes it) but bias, xenophobia, The difference with 'othering' is that, unlike racism, it is perpetuated by and between people of colour Her response was a tepid, “We learn from each other, we share from each other, we grow from each other

  • Sugar, Five Spice and Everything Nice : Food and Identity.

    My first essay for 'Alphabet of Other', a collection of essays tackling the specific prejudices and unique It explores what it feels like to be a minority or biracial person who often ticks 'other' than black 'Othering' is a term that not only refers to racism (but ofcourse includes it) but bias, xenophobia, stereotypes, micro-aggressions, propaganda and anything otherwise considered innocuous that is actually The difference with 'othering' is that, unlike racism, it is perpetuated by and between people of colour

  • An(Other) War: Why Conflict Cannot Thrive Without Intolerance.

    As the Israel-Hamas/Palestine war continues, the need for dialogue around othering and the intolerance

  • Why Biracial People Are Beefing Kendrick Lamar For Racial Gatekeeping.

    I can't tell you the amount of times I've been told by other POC that I'm not a 'real' Asian because matter the intention, using a catchphrase that capitalizes on a 'them' vs 'us' concept is a form of othering like how they speak, their experiences, where they were raised, by whom they were raised, among many other enough for them that someone looks remotely black to qualify being treated as such, yet POC sit on the other mixes with whiteness produces a diluted, stained identity that can never truly be white but is now 'other

  • An Open Letter to the Men of South Africa

    But, We are not the ones raping each other, beating and killing each other in the thousands every year We are not the ones murdering each other in our student residencies, post offices, or while on our daily We are not the ones raping each other on the sets of music videos, at parties or in our own beds. But, We are the ones texting each other, ‘Did you get home safe?’ We are the ones who believe each other.

  • Exotification: Ethnicity is Not an Accessory.

    fetishized (and definitely not sensual); they are dehumanised into weird positions, made alien-like or othered Often depicted with seafood, noodle bowls or other culinary items - the Asian woman is too often shown

  • (Men)tal Health is a Life or Death Issue.

    THE OTHER STATE OF DISASTER The first shocking and sickening story is a common one of consequence. violence men perpetrate against women and themselves but what of the violence men are inflicting on each other SADAG suicide help line and other

  • More Than Your Handle: On Mental Health + Social Media.

    I didn’t have to worry about comparing my content to other people’s or stressing about engagement and I was kind of jealous that other people seemed to be able to churn out amazing content seemingly so easily I honestly don’t know if I can advise other people on how to handle the stress of social media because doing it right before I go to sleep) can often put me in a bleak mood, mostly because I'm watching other adjust accordingly I turn off notifications and put my phone out of sight and out of mind while doing other

  • #IAM More Than My Labels.

    I carefully write the words ‘YELLOW FEVER’, ‘NI HAU-NAAAH’ and ‘OTHER’ on sellotape in black marker. , or are classified as subpar humans by the Apartheid government- but they still shape our views of others always been seen as outsiders, outside of their ‘homeland’ despite having played historic roles in other The ‘other’ label touches on this non-identity which stems back to Apartheid where confusing laws first The label ‘other’ in terms of myself has an added element in this regard.

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